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[TOEIC_015] 토익 유의어, 영단어 정리하기 본문


[TOEIC_015] 토익 유의어, 영단어 정리하기

clearwater 2021. 5. 26. 17:57

container = vessel = basket = can = receptable = bin

elements 비바람

degree = diploma

Bachelor's Degree(B.A.) = undergraduate degree = college degree = university degree = four-year degree

Master's Degree(M.A.) = graduate degree = advanced degree

Doctor's Degree(Ph.D)

trim = cut, cut down, reduce

trucks and cars = vehicles, transportation, traffic

slump = recession, depression, downturn

finance = sponsor, support, subsidize

old = used, secondhand, pre-owned

becoming the leading company = increse market share, gain control of the market

관여하다 : be involved in, be concerned, have(take) a hand in(at)

후임자 : successor, replacement, substitute(↔prodecessor 전임자)

itinerary = timetable, schedule

송금하다 : wire, transfer, remit, send, forward

go over = review, check, look through

implement = carry out, conduct, perform

policies = regulations, measures, actions

쓰레기 : waste, litter, garbage, trash

delivery service provider : shipping company, courier, carrier

invoice = bill, statement, account, check

voucher = gift certificate, coupon

A product catalog = brochure


subordinate = junior, inferior

superior = senior

adjustment = change, revision, amendment, modification, alteration

평가 : evaluation, appraisal, estimation

업무 : task, duty, work

실적 : performance, achievement

24시간 내내 : around(round) the clock = for twenty-four hours

경품 추첨 행사 : sweepstakes, lottery, raffle, draw, drawing

bribes-to-be 예비 신부

be eligible = be qualified, be entitled, have a right for

emit = give off, give out, discharge

tree planting : gardening, landscaping, horticulture(원예학)

inexpensive : reasonable, affordable, economical

무료의 : gratis, complimentary('칭찬하는'의 뜻도 있음), free of charge

rodent 설치류

vendor 업체, 행상인

examine = inspect, check

모임 : gathering, assembly, get-together, meeting

자선 : benefit, charity

sponsor = fund, finance, subsidize, patronize

exemplary 본보기가 될 만큼 훌륭한

(= excellent, magnificient, remarkable, honorable, respectable)

round out 완성하다(+복수동사 +복수주어)

최근에 latest, lately, recently, in recent years(months)

magazine, journal : publication, print, periodical(정기 간행물)

판, 호(출간된 책의 형태) : issue, edition, copy

성수기 : peak season, busy season

비수기 : off-season, slow season

기입하다, 작성하다 : fill out, fill in, complete, write(+ an application , registration form)

되찾다 : retrieve, get back, regain

몰수(압수)하다 : confiscate, forfeit

벌금 : fine, penalty, forfeit

주민 : resident, occupant, dweller, inhabitant, tenant

비숙련자 : amateur, novice, beginner, newcomer, trainee, apprentice


연설하다 : deliver/make/give a speech, address, talk, lecture, presentation

가격 인하 : mark down, price cut, reduction, deduction

지출 : outlay, spending, expenditure, cost

수정, 수리, 새로 꾸밈 : renovation, refurbishment, repair, remodeling

